Select your desired shipping date (selected dates will appear in purple).
Step Three
Search for products using the search box or click a category to get started.
Begin typing your desired product, and predictive search will show matching results.
Step Four
Select items and click ‘ADD TO CART’ or click ‘CANCEL’ to remove them.
Orders of 100 PV or more qualify for free shipping.
Step Five
Proceed to ‘REVIEW CART’ after adding your desired items.
All Australian and New Zealand orders of 100 PV or more receive free shipping.
Step Six - Your Cart
Review your LRP order with the newly added products.
Modify your ‘Ship to Address’, ‘Bill to Address’, or ‘Payment Method’ as needed.
Select your ‘SHIPPING OPTION’ from the ‘ORDER SUMMARY’ box.
Click ‘VIEW TOTALS’ to update your cart, and save changes by clicking ‘SAVE CHANGES’.
Step Seven - Review Your Order
Review shipping details, payment information, and product list.
Click ‘CONTINUE SHOPPING’ to add more products.
To process your order:
Click ‘PROCESS ORDER NOW’ to process immediately.
Click ‘PROCESS AS SCHEDULED ON ’ to process on your selected date.
To make additional changes, click ‘RETURN TO CART’ to edit order details.
Contact Information
Australia: 02-8015-5080
Address: 350 Wellington Road, Mulgrave, VIC 3170
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Opens in a new window.
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